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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Greece essays
Greece articles Greek culture is a significant power behind the greater part of what we know today. In government the Greeks rehearsed unadulterated vote based system. The individuals were enabled to settle on choices about their own city-states. Two significant city-states were Athens and Sparta. The Athenian domain was made by Pericles who invested heavily in the excellence of their city. The fundamental sanctuary in Athens was the Parthenon. It was worked in the Acropolis out of appreciation for Athena the War Goddess. Sparta was Athens rival and totally different of it. They were a city of incredible warriors who expelled young men from their homes at 7 years old and prepared them to battle. Their lives were given to their city-state and they were not worried about individual rights. The Olympic Games were athletic challenges held each for a considerable length of time, which could never be deferred, regardless of whether there was a war going on. Athens normally won and Sparta typically lost, h owever one year, Sparta beet Athens, which made their contention considerably more grounded. Incredible logicians originated from Greece. Socrates was the savvies logician of his time. His adage was know thyself which he gained from the Oracle at Delphi. He advised his understudies to pose inquiries to discover reality. Plato was an understudy of Socrates. He accepted there were three sorts of individuals, voters, warriors and logicians. He opened an Academy in Athens which made ready for schools and colleges we have today. Aristotle had a splendid brain and gone to Platos institute. He grouped the different parts of information which is the establishment of todays sciences. The Greeks were celebrated for their extraordinary writing. Their oral writing were stories told by overhearing people's conversations. These accounts incorporated an epic saint who was overwhelming and of grandiose significance. A considerable lot of their legends contained legendary divine beings and dreams in the story. One of the most acclaimed Greek scholars was Homer. He was visually impaired and composed the Odyssey and the Iliad. These were both oral writing until he kept in touch with them dow... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Anna Freud, Founder of Child Psychoanalysis
Anna Freud, Founder of Child Psychoanalysis Anna Freud was the girl of Sigmund Freud. While her dad was a monster in the field of brain research, Anna Freud was a cultivated therapist in her own right. She was the organizer of youngster analysis and expanded and further refined her father’s thoughts regarding barrier systems. Quick Facts: Anna Freud Known For: Founding youngster analysis and work on ego’s protection mechanismsBorn: December 3, 1895 in Vienna, AustriaDied: October 9, 1982 in London, EnglandParents: Sigmund Freud and Martha BernaysKey Accomplishments: Chairman of the Vienna Psycho-Analytic Society (1925-1928); Honorary President of the International Psychoanalytical Association (1973-1982); Founder of the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic (1952, presently known as the Anna Freud National Center for Children and Families) Early Life Anna Freud was conceived in 1895 in Vienna, Austria. She was the most youthful of six kids destined to Sigmund Freud and his significant other, Martha Bernays. She didn't have a decent connection with her mom and was far off from her five kin, particularly her sister Sophie, who she felt was an opponent for her father’s consideration. In any case, she was near her dad. <img information srcset= with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 300w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 1234w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 2168w, with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg 4036w information src= with-family-640455985-0eb6290587504b6c9afab7894e6fd641.jpg src=//:0 alt=Sigmund Freud Dining with Family class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-6 information following container=true /> Sigmund Freud, fourth from left, sits at a rich eating table with the remainder of his family, including his little girl Anna, far right. Corbis/VCG through Getty Images/Getty Images Anna Freud moved on from Cottage Lyceum in 1912. While she didn’t go on to advanced education, she guaranteed that she took in additional at home from her dad and his associates than she could possibly do at school. Furthermore, obviously, Anna Freud had unmatched access to data on therapy, which would in the end empower her to turn into a significant voice in the field. Profession In 1917, Anna Freud accepting an occupation as an elementary teacher. She likewise began to experience therapy with her dad a training that would be viewed as abnormal today however was progressively basic at that point. In 1923, Anna Freud began her own psychoanalytic work on concentrating explicitly on youngsters. This was likewise the year that her dad was determined to have disease and Anna turned into his overseer. Instantly thereafter, Anna Freud began instructing at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Training Institute. At that point in 1927, she turned into the Secretary for the International Psychoanalytic Association, and in 1935, the executive of the Vienna Psychoanalytic Training Institute. The next year she distributed her most popular work, The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense, which developed her father’s thoughts regarding safeguards and the manners in which the sense of self attempts to secure itself. In 1938, when the Nazi danger turned out to be excessively incredible, Anna and Sigmund Freud fled Vienna and settled in London. World War II began there in 1939. Sigmund Freud kicked the bucket half a month later. <img information srcset= 300w, 1279w, 2258w, 4217w information src= src=//:0 alt=Freud In Paris class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-16 information following container=true /> Austrian analyst Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939) (second right) shows up in Paris in the wake of leaving Vienna in transit to London, Paris, France, June 1938. He is joined by his little girl Anna (1895 - 1982) (left), spouse of Prince George of Greece, Marie Bonaparte (1882 - 1962) (second left), and her child Prince Peter of Greece (1908 - 1980) (right). Pictorial Parade/Getty Images During her initial a long time in England, Freud wound up in struggle with Melanie Klein, another psychoanalyst who was additionally figuring procedures to use with youngsters. Freud and Klein contrasted on key focuses about kid advancement, which prompted their various ways to deal with examination. So as to determine the difference, they occupied with a progression of â€Å"Controversial Discussions†that finished with the British Psychoanalytical Society shaping instructional classes for both perspectives.â In 1941, Anna Freud opened The Hampstead War Nurseries with her companion Dorothy Burlingham. There, they thought about kids who had been isolated from their families because of the war and recorded the children’s reactions to the pressure of being isolated from their folks. In the wake of shutting the nursery toward the finish of the war, Freud established the Hampstead Child Therapy Course and Clinic in 1952. She was its chief until her demise in London in 1982.â Commitments to Psychology Freud was a pioneer of kid therapy. She grew new procedures to support kids, as she discovered they required unexpected mental medicines in comparison to adults. She additionally called attention to that the symptom’s showed by kids differed from those showed by grown-ups. She proposed this was a consequence of children’s formative stages. What's more, her work on the ego’s protection systems is as yet thought to be fundamental. It was a significant commitment to both personality brain research and immature brain research. Freud said constraint, the oblivious concealment of driving forces that could be dangerous on the off chance that they were followed up on, was the rule resistance system. She likewise nitty gritty various other barrier systems, including forswearing, projection, and removal. Key Works Freud, Anna. (1936). The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense.Freud, Anna. (1965). Typicality and Pathology in Childhood: Assessments of Development.Freud, Anna. (1966-1980). The Writing of Anna Freud: 8 Volumes. Sources Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Anna Freud Biography (1895-1982).†Verywell Mind, 11 November 2018. story 1895-1982-2795536GoodTherapy. â€Å"Anna Freud (1895-1982).†14 July 2015. analysts/anna-freud.htmlSandler, Anna Marie. Anna Freud. English Psychoanalytical Society, 2015. and-scholars/anna-freudSmirle, Corinne. Profile of Anna Freud. Psychologys Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive, altered by In A. Rutherford. Freud Museum. Vita Anna Freud. Sigmund Freud Museum. Account Anna Freud. Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. â€Å"Anna Freud: Austrian-British Psychoanalyst.†Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 November 2018. https://www.britannic story/Anna-Freud
Liberty University the Significance of the Calling of Paul the Apostle Annotated Bibliography free essay sample
G. A. â€Å"Saul who additionally is Called Paul. †Harvard Theological Review 33, no. 1 (Ja 1940): 19â€33. G. A. Harrer discusses the potential outcomes of the change in Paul’s name from Saul in this paper. The name change of Saul has consistently intrigued many. In Acts, Luke specifies twice, Saul (who is likewise called Paul). Prior to this, he is just called Saul. After this, he is just called Paul, with the exception of when alluding to his past. In his letters he even calls himself Paul. What made him change his name and why? What is the hugeness of this change? Hedrick, Charles W. â€Å"Paul’s Conversion/Call: A Comparative Analysis of the Three Reports in Acts. †Journal of Biblical Literature 100, no. 3 (S 1981): 415â€432. C. Hedrick discusses the supernatural occurrence of Paul’s change. He looks into the three records and decides the narrative of Paul from Luke's perspective. The best way to really comprehend, he says, is to think about every one of the three records one next to the other. We will compose a custom exposition test on Freedom University the Significance of the Calling of Paul the Apostle Annotated Bibliography or then again any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page McDonough, Sean M. â€Å"Small Change: Saul to Paul, Again. †Journal of Biblical Literature 125, no. 2 (Sum 2006): 390â€391. S. McDonough discusses the name change of Saul. He talks about the negative view behind Saul’s name and thinks about why the name change was noteworthy. McDonough additionally addresses the presentation of Saul into the New Testament. Meyer, Wendel W. â€Å"The Conversion of St. Paul. †Anglican Theological Review 85, no. 1 (Winter 2003): 13â€17. â€Å"One of the most strong impacts during the time spent Pauls conversion,†Meyer says, â€Å"arose from his inexhaustible endeavors to make and continue networks of confidence. †In this paper, W. Meyer discusses the significance of Paul’s confidence and why his transformation matters to such an extent. He centers around what occurred making progress toward Damascus and what sway it had on Paul. Ralston, Timothy J. â€Å"The Theological Significance of Paul’s Conversion. †Bibliotheca Sacra 147, no. 586 (Apâ€Je 1990): 198â€215. T. Ralston discusses the Damascus Road as the impetus in Saul’s life. He looks at the records of Luke and Paul himself in looking for the responses to the significance of Saul’s transformation and why such a man would change so profoundly. Witherup, Ronald D. â€Å"Functional Redundancy in the Acts of the Apostles: A Case Study. †Journal for the Study of the New Testament 48 (D 1992): 67-86. R. Witherup covers the three section story of Paul’s transformation, much like Charles Hedrick did in his relative investigation. He has utilized the possibility of â€Å"functional redundancy†as an approach to show the significance of Paul’s transformation and his life. Excess issues. Reiteration is utilized to enable the human mind to perceive and retain things of most extreme significance.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Microsoft Essay -- Windows Computers Technology Essays
Microsoft There have been numerous contentions and issues that have been raised with the debate over Microsoft and the U.S. Division of Justice’s guarantee against Microsoft and its organizer Bill Gates of monopolistic practices in packaging its web program â€Å"Internet Explorer†into its well known Windows PC working framework. By doing this, Microsoft would adequately pound its rivals (it’s fundamental opponent being Netscape Navigator), and secure an imposing business model over the product that individuals use to get to the Internet. I as of late heard an audience on NPR (National Public Radio) remark about the restraining infrastructure issue among Microsoft and the U.S. D.O.J. that â€Å"Intellectual tries are endlessly boundless and consequently can't be monopolized.†I wonder if the individual who said this has ever taken a stab at advising that to Bill Gates. All the more critically, is such an announcement valid? Does PC programming comprise a scholarly undertaking that can't be consumed? To answer this issue, an inductive contention can be applied to decide whether Microsoft really has a restraining infrastructure over the PC business. To state that something is interminable infers that there is an unending gracefully of it. Is this the case as far as the Internet and the product that is utilized to â€Å"navigate†or â€Å"explore†the Internet as the two driving Internet Browsers have been named by their creators? The assets of the Internet may appear to be unendingly huge, yet it is completely limited. There is a plenitude of data out there on the Internet that it appears to be far-fetched that any one organization or even a nation like the U.S. would ever consume this tremendous information arrange. By the idea of how the Internet functions and how data is put away and shared on the system, the facts confirm that a restraining infrastructure can't be held over the scholarly data put away inside the Internet. On this point I will consent to the first author’s guarantee that scholarly undertakings can't be hoarded, however this is inconceivably not quite the same as the issue that remains before Microsoft and the U.S. Branch of Justice. The inquiry that must be recognized isn't if Microsoft will increase a restraining infrastructure over the Internet, yet in the event that it will secure an imposing business model on how individuals get to the Internet. These two are entirely isolated issues. This isn't an issue of control of scholarly data, yet the meth ods by which individuals gain *access* to that data. Regardless of whether the advise... ...l by packaging its program into its working framework which as of now controls 90% of the worlds’ advertise. The omnipresent idea of Microsoft in our ordinary figuring lives is apparently subliminal, yet when we understand the wide impact of this PC goliath upon our life it turns into an alarming chance. Considerations of Orwellian â€Å"Big Brother†rings a bell now and again. The subject of whether Microsoft has a restraining infrastructure over the PC business is a resonating yes. It is a close to virtual imposing business model in the PC business. The inquiry therefore becomes not whether Microsoft is an imposing business model, however why it has taken such a long time for the administration to mediate into the issues that would manage this regularly developing PC goliath. It is shrewd to follow the exercise of Jack who chop down the beanstalk in a tale that has very genuine applications in our advanced mechanized world. Book index Gleick, James. â€Å"MAKING MICROSOFT SAFE FOR CAPITALISM†The New York Times Magazine. William Morris Agency, May 18, 1995. Nader, Ralph and Love, James. â€Å"What to Do About Microsoft?†LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE, November 1997 NPR News. May 5 1998 (Station KBRW 89.9 FM) 8:00 AM â€Å"Morning Editionâ€
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How to Display ads on Blog by using AdSense Gadget AdSense is the way of money making on your Blog. So by perfectly monetizing we can earn money as much as possible. But before this we should know how to display AdSense ads in our Blog. We can show AdSense in different ways but among them the easiest way is displaying AdSense ads by using AdSense widget. In this tutorial I will show you about using AdSense widget and how to customize the ads appearance. Step 1Log in to your BloggerAccount and Go to yourBloggerDashboard Step 2Now click on-Layout-Add a Gadget Step 3Now a popup windows will appear will Blogger default gadget lists. Scroll down and select AdSense gadget. Step 4Now you will see Gadget configuration window. From there under format select Responsive by using Dropdown option. Because responsive ads will be fit with any size of template width. Step 5You can select the ads type also. Either Text And Image (It will display both banner and text ads) or Text Only (It will display text ads only). So select ad type by clicking on radio button. For good performance select Text And Image. Step 6At this time you have to select appropriate color of the ads. There has some preset color setting. Under Colors option simply select Match template. This will enable your ads to display ads that match with your template color. In addition you can use custom option for choosing and customizing your ad banner colors. Step 7Finally Click on orange color Save button. Now check your Blog to see the AdSense ads appearing with your custom settings. By using AdSense Gadget you can place your ads on your Blog sidebar, header and footer sections only. That's all about placing AdSense ads in Blogger template by using AdSense widget.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
The Influence of Heredity in Tess of the DUrbervilles - Literature Essay Samples
In Tess of the dUrbervilles, heredity governs life. Through the narrative voice and the characters responses, Thomas Hardy explains how Tess slight incautiousness of character inherited from her race (71) defines her life. More specifically, traits from her parents and her family legacy follow throughout her life.Tess mental and physical predisposition originates with her parents. First of all, Tess conveys the physical beauty of Joan Durbeyfield, her mother. Hardy describes Joan as having the freshness, and even the prettiness of her youth, that passes onto Tess as her mothers gift, and therefore unknightly, unhistorical (12). This passage introduces a dichotomy between Tess appearance and social standing. In many ways her beauty implies its own nobility, attracting respectable men. However, despite her outer elegance, she never overcomes her maid status in her lifetime, remaining like her mother. Hardy relates her beauty as unknightly stressing Tess normalcy in society. In t he larger picture, Tess is ordinary and unimportant mainly due to her class. The voice in this passage implies that Joan carries herself as a low class woman, describing her as unhistorical. Her plainness comes through in this passage, making Joans character unmemorable and unimportant to the world. Tess beauty affects many people. Hardy focuses a great deal on the impact of her eyes. For example, Tess reproachful flash from [her] dark eyes (18) causes her parents to exit the bar. Her glare makes them feel certain emotions, pulling them away from the bar, similar to how a glance from the dUrberville portraits will pull Angel away from the marriage. Throughout the novel, the reader finds similar instances where Tess speaks through physical expressions rather than words. These eyes also initiate a dramatic response from Alec dUrberville when they reunite after his moral conversion. Tess, who had been quite unconscious of her action and mien, instantly withdrew the gaze of her eyes there was revived in her the wretched sentiment which had often come to her before, that in inhabiting the fleshy tabernacle with which Nature had endowed her, she was somehow doing wrong. (243)The narrative voice in this passage reaffirms how Tess heredity impacts her life. She carries a burden with her looks, handling them with shame while she unintentionally tempts Alec. Her appearance holds control rather than her reason. Her unconscious gaze transforms Alec into an obsessive man who follows Tess around the country. The power of her looks drives Alec until his death. Tess charms and ways (244) go beyond her appearance, integrating into her supernatural view towards life.Joan and Tess share in a mystical outlook on the world. A fantastical force governs Joans spiritual life, as she relies on a fortune telling book for insight. Tess carries on this superstitious and visionary nature. She concerns herself with the deterministic implications of ill omens. For example, after leaving Trantridge for the first time, she finds a rose thorn in her breast. Tess was steeped in fancies and prefigurative superstitions: she thought this an ill omen the first she had noticed that day (32). She develops a negative inclination towards Alec after their first meeting, and her intuition proves true, as their meeting ultimately leads to her downfall. This also directs attention to her mental connection into the future. She feels strange in the presence of Alec, yet she does not understand exactly how to interpret her feelings. She develops her self-awareness during the novel, and she foresees her own death in the end. She prepares for this by wishing Angel to marry her sister and therefore preserve her legacy in both of their minds.Tess also exhibits characteristics found in her father, Jack Durbeyfield. Jacks reputation as the town drunk colors others opinions and overshadows his positive qualities. However, Hardy gives details about Jacks compassion f or the living. For example, he decides to give Prince, his old horse who dies suddenly, an honorable burial for dedicated service: Heve served me well in his lifetime, and I wont part from him now (23). He treats the animal as a partner, appreciating the years of helpful work. This sober interaction with the horse helps the reader to infer his intentions with those he loves. The narrative voice does not give many details as to Jacks temperate state, however his love for Prince supports a view that he wants what is best for his family, especially Tess. This scene of natural respect occurs similarly in Tess. While she travels to visit Angels parents, Tess encounters a group of wounded pheasants. Her reaction arises from her internal compassion. With the impulse of a soul who could feel for kindred sufferers as much as for herself with her own hands she broke the necks of as many as she could find (219). Rather than passing around the injured birds with indifference, she exti nguishes their pain. Hardys simplistic style makes this scene horrific, yet redemptive. He eliminates violent descriptions to add tenderness in their death. Heredity acts as fate in Tess life; however in this scene she forgets her misfortune and shows compassion as she controls the fate of the birds by mercifully alleviating their suffering. Tess speaks profoundly in the novel, setting her apart from other maids. She shows a bright, innate education in thought yet obviously lacks common sense in relation to humanity. That aspect relates mostly to her young age and not her learning capabilities. Hardy describes her father, Jack, as shiftless, yet he displays a reflective thought process. In one scene, Joan encourages Tess to pursue a job with Alec dUrberville. Jack sardonically comments about Alecs character when he dreamily murmurs perhaps to show his diamond ring (33). Her father notices Alecs artificiality, foreshadowing how he draws Tess in with his material power. Als o, his attitude of neutrality (34) shows the readers that Joan controls each situation, as he gives into her ideas, just like Tess. He loves his daughter and knows the danger with Alec, yet the decision for her departure rests entirely with Joan.The final aspect of heredity that has a major impact on Tess is the legacy of her dUrberville name. In the beginning of the novel, Jack Durbeyfield uncovers information that traces his family back to a grand lineage. This prospect gives the Durbeyfields hope for social advancement, placing pressure onto Tess to take advantage of their bloodline. Tess, however, acts noble innately. Even before the discovery about her name, Tess stands apart from other rural women in presence and thought. She claims that she is only a peasant on the outside, while naturally she is an intellectual, virtuous woman. Two dramatic, life changing events occur because of Tess noble lineage: the affair with Alec dUrberville and the separation from Angel Clare. The incident with Alec dUrberville takes place when Tess travels to his estate to claim kin and help her family. Tess interaction with Alec during the first part of her stay shows a significant inner strength not often found in common women. Most rural women easily settle on men who can provide them with a stable life. Tess spirit teaches her to pursue a more fulfilling endeavor; therefore she ignores Alecs pursuit. Doubtless some of Tess dUrbervilles mauled ancestors rollicking home from a fray had dealt the same measure even more ruthlessly towards peasant girls of their time. But though to visit the sins of the father upon the children may be a morality good enough for divinities, it is scorned by average human nature; and it therefore does not mend the matter. (57) Tess righteous spirit surrenders to her lack of knowledge about men. In this passage, the narrative voice blames Tess ancestors, claiming that Tess loss of innocence is divine retribution for sins of past generat ions. Heredity acts as a fateful hand, molding Tess life with ancestral control. In addition, Alec represents the corruption in nobility. His advancement upon Tess against her willpower gives the dUrberville name a negative connotation, and these sins he commits reflect a repetition of the sins of prior generations. The other important event in Tess life relating to this aspect of heredity occurs on her wedding night as she reveals to Angel the misery in her past. Outside of Tess bedroom lie the portraits of DUrberville ladies. These paintings represent the spiritual and physical qualities of her heredity, while providing a visual reminder to Angel of his wifes impurity. He almost re-enters Tess bedroom yet he pulls away after seeing the sinister design lurking in the womans features, (184) above the door. The resemblance to Tess emphasizes how the nature of heredity follows her continually during her entire life. The tragedy here is that heredity holds Angel back, leading into his long departure. If he fails to notice the womans resemblance to his wife in the portrait then their relationship, and Tess life, would ultimately be saved.The character of Tess in Tess of the dUrbervilles demonstrates innate persistence despite times of struggle. In the end, she seizes lifes path, murdering Alec and choosing to trust Angel. Thomas Hardy chooses to have Angel marry Tess sister in order for her sister to live comfortably and for Angel to recall Tess whenever he looks at his new wife. Tess embraces her heredity that defines her, and her legacy lives after her death. Work CitedHardy, Thomas. Tess of the dUrbervilles. Ed. Scott Elledge. 3rd ed. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1991
Monday, May 25, 2020
Li Ning Marketing Plan Essay - 1105 Words
Marketing Plan: Li Ning to be the number one in China sportswear market 1.0 Executive Summary The primary objective is to increase Li Ning ¡Ã‚ ¦s overall market share from the current 17% to 20% in 3 years time and defend its first place in China sportswear market against strong competition. To achieve this goal, Li Ning has to improve the customers brand perception, rationalize market segments and invest in Mega cities and first tier cities. 2.0 Situation Analysis As the dominant local brand in China sports market, Li Ning is facing intense competition from its multinational competitors. Li Ning ¡Ã‚ ¦s growth rate is 23%p lower than Nike ¡Ã‚ ¦s and 13%p lower than Adidas ¡Ã‚ ¦. Li Ning owns a well-established distribution channel, a powerful†¦show more content†¦A reinforced international branding could fill customer ¡Ã‚ ¦s perception better and attract more customers. 2.2 SWOT Analysis Strength 1. Dominant local brand in China 2. Distribution channel The 3373 stores across China will facilitate Li Ning ¡Ã‚ ¦s further marketing penetration and its advantage over Nike (1,200 stores) and Adidas (1,400 stores). 3. Modern organizational structure and healthy financial condition 4. Well-established RD team and database specialized on Chinese feet peculiarities Weakness 1. Customers are not sufficiently attracted to the Lin Ning brand, especially in the high-end market segment. 2. Target market limited to college and university students (age 17-24) Opportunity 1. Gain market share in Mega and first tier cities in China. 2. Reinforce brand awareness through 2008 Olympic Game 3. Become one of the strongest international brands in Chinese consumers ¡Ã‚ ¦ eyes. Threat 1. Competition from strong multinational brands and local brands 2. Competition from Nike and Adidas in second and third tier cities. They are expanding distribution channel across China aggressively. (exhibit 1) 3.0 Marketing Strategy 3.1 Market objectives: Become number one company in the China sports wear market by increasing market share to 20% in 3 years and gaining sale revenue of 11billion RMB in 2008 (exhibit 2) 2.2 Product segmentation Sport shoes: Keep focusing on runningShow MoreRelatedLi Ning Marketing Plan1249 Words  | 5 PagesMarketing Plan: Li Ning to be the number one in China sportswear market 1.0 Executive Summary The primary objective is to increase Li Ning ¡Ã‚ ¦s overall market share from the current 17% to 20% in 3 years time and defend its first place in China sportswear market against strong competition. 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